Saturday, July 30, 2005


I have been learning about Kwaito on NPR this week.

Friday, July 29, 2005

On fashion.

My mother told me when I was a child, "The way you look people treat you". In different phases of my life I have taken this to heart, sometimes trying to embody her thoughts, othertimes holding a disdain towards convention and style. Although there is room on both sides of the debate, I believe without going overboard, being congnizant of apperance and striving for basic presenation is a good thing. Casual Friday, however, has gone too far. . .(more text here).

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Less intense.

Maybe this way we will notice things that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Unlearning a lifetime of habits is not exactly easy, however I expect that these changes may allow the chance to appreciate what we have always managed to take for granted. Things may appear chaotic, but I am quite certain about how we are going to get there.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Vive le Lance.

Lance Armstrong has ended his career with a spectacular 7th consecutive Tour de France victory. There are so many things that are amazing about this feat, many things which will be more written more elegantly than i can write here, but for me, this victory is inspirational and one that will be hard to forget. Cancer, allegations, personal difficulties, pressure; Lance has overcome all of these things, year and year again, to captivate our imaginations.

Saturday, July 23, 2005


Revealing. You can feel pressure to do something, catch yourself, but meanwhile the world is frozen in expectation. Sometimes you confront, sometimes you don't. It is not wrong or right, just your choice. But the reactions of those around you reveal.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


2nd half of the year has begun. The charge begins, again. Have alluded to it before, but now we are well on the path to making the progress that has been missing. No more time for past complication, past questioning and those that fail to see things we have tried to say. There just comes a point where you move forward and perhaps they will say something that implies they have heard you or they wont.