Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

My thoughts go out to every family that has been affected by this horrible tragedy. It is hard to think about much else these days, given the magnitude and long term impact this natural disaster has had and will have.

Because of the inadequacies of the post-Katrina disaster management, there is a natural tendency to assign blame. I think the key thing we should focus on right now is what we should have in place and why things are not yet where they need be. We must be able to prepare and act on situations of this magnitude and our minimum result should be excellence. Anything less is below the standard we should set and we can’t be afraid to admit this to ourselves. With Katrina, no matter who is at fault, we failed. We must do better.

I don’t know how we will get there, but it is clear we have a long way to go.

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